Lowenstein ICU Ventilators

Intensive care ventilation can be a lifesaver. Both in emergencies and in the intensive care units. The primary goal is to provide lung-protective ventilation and to wean patients off ventilation as early as possible. Ventilation is used when a patient's spontaneous breathing is insufficient or absent to maintain the necessary body functions.

Ventilation is always a major intervention. In the hospital or at home. Whether for a short interval or for a lifetime. If your breathing requires support, when breathing in and out is no longer simply natural and automatic, that’s when we are by your side to take care of you. So that life goes on as it should.

Löwenstein Group

Available Features

High-flow oxygen therapy (HFOT) is considered a supplement to non-invasive ventilation or is used in cases where conventional oxygen therapy does not provide adequate oxygenation. It involves offering a continuous flow with individually adjusted oxygen supply via a special nasal cannula.

Special emergency mode for ventilation in resuscitation situations.

In contrast to the fixed pressure support with PSV, a spontaneously breathing patient receives proportional pressure support with PAPS. The effective pressure support is based selectively on the respective increased elastic and restrictive resistance values. A special algorithm determines the work of breathing due to higher flow and airway resistance on a breath-by-breath basis and regulates the adaptive pressure support required for compensation.

Up to six selectable loops form the basis of differentiated assessment and derivation of treatment decisions. At the same time, up to 10 reference loops can be saved and displayed to compare with the current ventilation situation for diagnosis.

In combination with the research version of elisa 800 VIT, the Scientific Unit offers a unique solution for generating scientific data. All ventilation data and EIT measuring values can be recorded breath by breath. Additionally, the Scientific Unit output includes selected ventilation data and raw EIT data at rates up to 50 Hz. All data exports bear a time stamp for easy data allocation. The EIT raw data can be converted with external software for further processing with standard tools.

A bracket for attaching the unit to the bed and a kit for accommodating the compressed air and oxygen bottles make it easier to transport the intensive care ventilator with the patient bed within the hospital.

Thanks to state-of-the-art sensor technology and its high-resolution sampling rate, the PEEP finder features algorithms for the reliable determination of inflection points to establish the necessary PEEP and ventilation range. The intuitive display allows a verifiable review of measuring values, transparent PEEP settings, and the assessment of stress indices as well as static compliance.

Targeted nebulizing of medications with ultrasound represents the current gold standard. Modern ultrasound technology does not interfere with ventilation therapy, is virtually noiseless, and medication can be refilled during ongoing operation. The synchronization of our technology with the patient’s inspiration significantly reduces the drug consumption while maintaining the same efficacy. The integrated solution enables the direct operation via the intensive care ventilator without the need to rely on additional external devices.

Mainstream and sidestream sensors complete the close monitoring of ventilation patients in routine clinical and emergency situations. Measuring values can be displayed numerically, as a curve or as a loop.

The Weaninganalyzer accurately displays the patient’s weaning process and offers a reliable forecast for initiating the weaning process and extubation readiness based on daily trials and real-time data.

Additional batteries and an external charger allow off-grid operation for a period of at least four hours.

As an additional safety function, users can activate the automatic patient detection (APD) feature on the configuration level. This prevents inadvertent switching to the standby function or turning the ventilator off as long as a patient is connected.

To reduce the risk of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infection, the ventilator’s hygiene management function monitors the timely replacement of accessories that are in direct contact with the patient (breathing circuit, valve bar, suction system, HME filter, and nebulizer head). Monitoring and display follow the respective department requirements without the need for complex RFID chips or expensive breathing circuits

Oesophageal pressure monitoring Bedside monitoring of oesophageal pressure with a modified gastric tube reflects the changes in pleural pressure under ventilation. The resulting measuring values enable PEEP optimisation, avoidance of alveolar over-inflation with development of barotrauma, identification of patient-ventilator asynchrony, assessment of respiratory muscle effort, and measurement of intrinsic PEEP with spontaneous breathing.

ELISA 600 | 800 | 800VIT 


The platform concept enables situation-based configuration. The flexible system architecture is adaptable for future require- ments and accommodates medical and technical develop- ments. It offers a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic tools for personalized, intuitive ventilation – from common clinical standards to our ventilator-integrated impedance tomography (VIT), which continues to be unparalleled worldwide.

ELISA 300 | ELISA 500


Elisa 300 combines the benefits of the compact class with the features of a state-of-the-art universal ventilator. The devices support a full range of invasive and non-invasive ventilation therapy methods as well as high-flow O2. The innovative user interface and the comprehensive device configuration options are the basis for versatile application options in intensive care, intermediate care, emergency rooms or during intra-hospital transfer. The 12.1-inch display with a stunning colour performance is the key operating element to guarantee simple operation. Numerous functions provide support with routine tasks.